
A Pediatric Neurosurgeon Gives Tips to Avoid Head Injuries

Every pediatric neurosurgeon wishes they did not spend so much time treating traumatic brain injuries. Pediatric neurosurgeons experience too many cases of perfectly healthy children whose lives change after a heavy blow to the head. For this reason, pediatric neurosurgeons … Continued

Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment From a Pediatric Neurosurgeon

A pediatric neurosurgeon works to mitigate or reverse damage caused by traumatic brain injury in children. That is why many pediatricians and trauma doctors will quickly refer young patients that suffer serious head injuries to these specialists. Traumatic brain injury … Continued

Pediatric Laser Neurosurgery FAQs

Pediatric neurosurgery corrects and treats conditions and injuries in the brains of children as young as age zero. With every year that goes by, medical research develops new, minimally invasive neurosurgical techniques. All new technologies and surgical techniques seek to … Continued

What Is Hydrocephalus Treatment? [Pediatric Neurosurgery]

Hydrocephalus is one of the most common pediatric neurosurgery conditions. Also known as water on the brain, it is a condition that causes fluid to build up in the brain. In fact, it is not water building up on a … Continued

Neurosurgery for Congenital Brain Anomalies [Pediatric Neurosurgery]

Pediatric neurosurgery can help with conditions like congenital brain anomalies. Pediatric congenital brain anomalies are defects that begin developing in a child’s brain at birth. Shortly after conception, your child’s brain began to develop and continued to develop and grow … Continued

Pediatric Brain Surgery – What Is Neurotrauma?

Neurotrauma is a major public health problem, especially for young patients. If your child has issues involving an injury to the head or spine, contact your pediatric neurosurgeon. Pediatric neurosurgeons have the training needed to diagnose and treat problems of … Continued

Most Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury usually occurs after a blow to the head that results in brain damage or dysfunction. By learning some common causes of traumatic brain injury, you can do your best to avoid these dangers for you and … Continued

How a Pediatric Neurosurgeon Treats Neurological Disorders

With the help of a pediatric neurosurgeon, a child can be treated for neurological disorders in a variety of ways. Neurological disorders can be daunting and scary, and even more so in children. It can be very helpful to be … Continued

What Conditions is Infant Neurosurgery Used to Treat?

Infant neurosurgery is a tough field of medicine because an infant’s brain is so delicate and infancy is a crucial time for the brain to develop. However, as unfortunate as it is, infants do experience neurological conditions that have to … Continued

Pediatric Neurosurgery Procedures for the Nervous System, Brain and Spinal Cord

Pediatric neurosurgery provides the knowledge and procedures for specific issues in the nervous system, brain and spinal cord of infants and children. It is vital with infants and young children that the doctor has the knowledge of how to best … Continued