From experience, we know that children's brain surgery is an extremely stressful occurrence, especially for the parents. Children tend to be more trusting, especially when it comes to doctors and their parents, and so it is usually easier to relieve a child's stress before a brain surgery is necessary. This is not to minimize the amount of fear that a child may feel; but the focus is often on the parents, who once they are calm are able to provide a calm and healthy environment in which the child can heal even more successfully.
Become educated
A common challenge that parents face is not understanding the processes and procedures that need to happen in order for that child to have successful brain surgery and an even more successful recovery. It is important for parents to understand what the brain surgeons are going to be doing so that they have an understanding which will in turn help lead to them being calmer around the child.
It is important for parents whose children are going to be undergoing children's brain surgery to become educated to the process, the healing process and the importance of the procedure that is about to be performed on their child. In order to facilitate this, it is important for parents to have conversations with their pediatric neurosurgeon about the child's brain surgery.
Ask questions
Pediatric neurosurgery is a specialty, and not everybody understands children's brain surgery. The best way for a parent to get the most accurate information about their child is to speak directly with the pediatric neurosurgeon in order to understand their specific situation. While a lot of people like to Google information, much of the information on the internet is very generic and may or may not apply specifically to a particular situation. It is far better to speak directly with the child's pediatric neurosurgeon and get all questions answered. Parents are highly encouraged to ask all the questions that they may possibly have.
Discuss things with your child
Children are extremely astute. They are curious about what is going on, so it is important to have age-appropriate conversations about a children's brain surgery with the child. This step will help relieve some of the uncertainty and even help to reduce some of a child's fear. When a parent, in coordination with a surgeon, can have a detailed conversation about children's brain surgery, it can go a long way toward making the child more comfortable.
Understand the recovery process
Once the child's surgery has been completed successfully, it will be largely up to the parents to work on the recovery, as prescribed by the neurosurgery team, in order to make sure that the child heals quickly and appropriately. Therefore, it is important for the parents to completely understand the recovery process and the role that they are going to need to play in it.
Schedule an appointment today
For parents who have questions about children's brain surgery, or want to talk to a pediatric neurosurgeon about their specific child after a recommendation from their doctor, it is highly recommended to schedule a consultation by calling us today.