
FAQs About Hydrocephalus Treatment
Hydrocephalus is a condition that results from a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain.

A Surgical Approach to Hydrocephalus Treatment
Take a closer look at this disease, how we determine an appropriate treatment, and what to expect during each.

Hydrocephalus Treatment for Children
Hydrocephalus treatment is a procedure undertaken by a neurosurgeon when there is too much fluid present within the spinal cord and/or brain of the patient.

Pediatric Hydrocephalus Treatment Surgery
Your baby needs hydrocephalus treatment if there is a buildup of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) in the spinal column and brain.

What Is Hydrocephalus Treatment? [Pediatric Neurosurgery]
Hydrocephalus is one of the most common pediatric neurosurgery conditions. Also known as water on the brain, it is a condition that causes fluid to build up in the brain. In fact, it is not water building up on a … Continued

What are the Hydrocephalus Treatment Options?
Hydrocephalus treatment is needed for hydrocephalus, a medical condition that happens when fluid accumulates in the skull, resulting in brain swelling. The term hydrocephalus means “water in the brain.” The fluid accumulation can cause brain damage, which can result in … Continued

What is a Hydrocephalus Treatment and Why Do Children Need One?
If your child has an abnormal fluid accumulation in the brain, he or she could be in need of a hydrocephalus treatment immediately. If left untreated, this condition can lead to dire consequences. To learn more about what hydrocephalus is … Continued